Thursday, May 31, 2018

Miss Kopp Just Won’t Quit

Amy Stewart has continued to flesh out the wonderful lives of Norma, Constance and Fleurette Kopp and the world of Bergman County in Northern NJ during the early 1900s.  I cannot get enough of the Lady Deputy Sheriff and how life was lived in my home county and state during this time period.

Not only is Stewart’s writing and plots intriguing, but her attention to historical details and facts are spot on.  You can totally enjoy these mystery novels on the surface level of good plot development and destinctive characters through each book in the series.  Then the added interest of the historical descriptions and finally there is the added enjoyment if you happen to be from Bergan County and recognize the names of towns and locations that are being mentioned thoughout the book.

Constance  Kopp and her sisters have been left to fend for themselves when their mother finally passes away.  Living in the family home, a big old drafty house with fields for farming and a few animals to care for, Norma, a lover of carrier pigeons is one who keeps the house running smoothly. Fleurette, the youngest sister, and unknown to her and the outside world really,  Constance's daughter, is becoming quite the young lady.  She has gotten a job as a seamstress to help support the family and also has dreams of becoming an actress.

Constance is the star of the series going out to work as a Deputy Sheriff, the first in the state of NJ.  There are so many pitfalls and challenges to being a lady deputy.  But Constance Kopp is tall, sturdy and quite capable of taking care of herself and catching any criminal.  She is also very sympathetic to all the women who come under her charge in the jail.  She is helping to change how law enforcement and women’s rights are being seen.

I look forward to continuing to read about the Kopp sisters and the world in NJ as the United States starts preparing to enter the first world war.

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