Monday, February 18, 2019

Silver Anniversary Murder

Another light fun murder mystery to entertain you while keeping warm during a snow storm.
Light and entertaining murder mystery to try and decide who the killer is before the end of the book.
Lucy Stone adventures far from her quiet Maine town, back to her home town of NYC to find out why her childhood friend may have jumped from a twenty story balcony to her death.  Always interesting t see how an author can throw a few different plot lines in the story to keep you just that little bit off balance and then tie them all up in a bow at the end pulling together the different directions and giving you a twist with the killer and the reason in a neat package.

Leslie Meier brings us the 25th book in her series, Silver Anniversary Murder,  about Lucy Stone and her nose for news.  Working at the local PennySaver newspaper in her small Maine town, she snoops out murderers and solves crimes.  Mostly in town but now she has taken us to NYC where crime can be around any corner.

Even with a few small inconsistencies, I felt I found about places in NY,  it is a fun read on a snowy afternoon. 


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