Saturday, August 24, 2019

A Murder Unmentioned

Again I am back reading one of my favorite mystery series, the Rowland Sinclair series, written by Suri Gentill.    This series presents Rowly Sinclair and his friends, Edna, Milton and Clyde, living in Australia during the early 1900.  We are now in book six of the series and we are on the verge of World War II.  In the last book,, Rowly and his friends went to Germany to stop the Australian representative to get close to Adolf Hitler, when he wanted to learn how to bring Hitler's power and ideas back to Australia. 

Now Rowly and his friends having escaped death or arrest in Germany are back home and Rowland wants to share what he learned in Germany and keep the German sympathizers from coming to power at home.  But once again there are forces that want to stop him and keep his ideas out of the public arena.  When a gun turns up unexpectedly, an investigation is started.  The gun seems to be the weapon used to kill Rowland's father many years ago.  Rowland and his brother never really spoke about that fateful night.  As different people come forward with theories about what happened Rowland finds himself under scrutiny and possible arrest for murder. 

This continues to be a fun entertaining series, and the added benefit of learning a little Australian history.  There, of course, there is also some romance which is keeping me frustrated ... I can hardly wait until Rowland figures out how to propose and marry the love of his life, Edna, the beautiful bohemian sculptress.

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