Monday, September 16, 2019

Double, Double Toil and Truffle

Next in the Bewitched By Chocolate series by H Y Hanna.  This is a cute cozy mystery series about a young twenty something girl who finds out that the woman she thought was her mother had really found on the side of the rode in a basket, left there by her true birth mother.  When the famous actress who brought up dies, Caitlyn Le Fey leaves America and goes back to the English countryside to find her real family.

In this mystery series Caitlyn has found her birthplace, the little village of Tillyhenge, that is owned by the Fitzroy family.  James is the current heir and handsome love interest of Caitlyn.  She has also found the Bewitched By Chocolate chocolate shop run by the Widow Mags, who turns out to be Caitlyn's grandmother and her daughter Bertha who runs the local herb and remedy shop.

There is always a mysterious death in the village that Caitlyn and her best friend Pomona work to solve while Caitlyn tries to win the affections of James.  It was cute at the beginning but now so many books into the series, her inexperience in the ways of love and flirting is getting a bit odd. 
I get that the author wants to stretch the build of a romance between them but this has gone on too long.

In this novel, a woman comes to town saying she is a witch with potions and powers to place curses and cures on people.  She stirs up the anger of the villagers who pay her and then don't get satisfaction for the magic skills they asked for.  A famous witch hunter also appears in the village and is invited to dinner at the Fitzroy mansion.  When a body turns up Caitlyn is on the trail to find out why the murder took place...

The best paragraph in the book is spoken by Caitlyn's aunt Bertha, when she explains about being in control over the power of witchcraft, " But how can you ever be sure you are in control, and it's not the other way around? You could become a slave to the forces of Dark Magic before you realize.  The darkness is there in all of us you know, and it takes great strength of character to make the right choice - the difficult choice. To choose understanding over judgement, forgiveness over revenge."

I think this is a good message for everyone even those of us who have no magical powers and just need to make good decisions, and make our chocolate the old fashion way with our own two hands.

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