Friday, March 6, 2020

The Satanic Mechanic

It is always fun to find a new mystery series and I have found a wonderful one by Sally Andrews.

I have already reviewed the first in this Tannie Maria Mystery series which was Recipes for Love and Murder.  That was so well written with a warm, loving smooth gliding style that made you feel like you were swallowing pudding, while sitting out in the afternoon sun.   I definitely recommend this series not only for its unique characters, in South Africa's rural Klein Karoo, or for the delicious recipes and food descriptions, but also for the clever storylines,  the character relationships and the subtle way Andrews build ups a mystery that is being solved sometimes without you even being aware that she is giving you clues.

This time as we learn about the political argument between the Diamond industry and the native Bushman over a land grant.  As a murder of a Bushman is being investigated, Tannie M is reading her love advice letters and sending answers and recipes through the newspaper column she writes.  Her fellow journalist, Jessie wants to help the investigation against the advice of their editor, Hattie.
The relationship of Tannie M and the police detective, Henk Kannemeyer is developing and Tannie needs to share her biggest secret with him.  So many different paths to follow across the veld and so many delicious foods to try on the stoep.

Now reading book two I feel we are getting to know the characters on a more personal level and watch their relationships develop.  As we eat with Tannie and Henk, and Jessie, we are apart of their lives and I look forward to visiting them again and sharing a roosterkoek and tea with them as we try to solve the next case.

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