Friday, April 29, 2022

The Accomplice

What an intriguing and complicated mystery... Lisa Lutz sets in motion a plot that takes friends, Luna Grey and Owen Mann from college into adulthood as best friends, keeping each other's secrets.  Sometimes they are in agreement on the secrets they are keeping, sometimes they do not even know what secrets they are protecting.  Jumping back and forth between past tense and current problems their friendship seems invincible... that it will last forever.  Well written, you are drawn into the mystery, taken along for the ride as all the facts unravel before your eyes.

Luna Grey has a secret that she is running away from.  She comes to college as a pragmatic, cautious student, from a humble beginning, keeping her head down.  She meets Owen Mann, who is gregarious, charming, from a privileged lifestyle. Their friendship withstands the many troubles they encounter through college and they are still friends later in life, when Owen's wife is found dead.

Told in alternating chapters that take you back to their early friendship and current day as they try to figure out who could have killed Owen's wife the story unfolds.  Secrets are revealed and in a intricate plot with many twists we eventually learn the whole story.  

This is a fun mystery but also a story of relationships. The closeness and trust of friendship, and how far that trust will last before it breaks.

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