Monday, January 2, 2023

A World of Curiosities

 Today I am jealous of those who have not yet read A World of Curiosities .  You  have something to look forward to and  I have the long wait until Louise Penny writes her next novel in the Armand Gamache series.  It is a little like binge watching a series on television.  You  start watching and get so caught up in the program that you start watching as many episodes as you can and become immersed in it until you cannot stop and then you realize you have watched them all and it is over.   You emerge from the darkened room and face the real world again, dishes in the sink, work to get more imaginary world.

That is what it is like to finish a Armand Gamache novel.  It is like you have traveled to Three Pines the small village in Canada where Armand lives with his wife, Reine Marie , Jean-Guy Beauvoir , his second in command and son-in-law.  There are the villagers , who play a recurring role in the series.

All these characters grow and develop as each book is published.  So many readers say the same things I have been saying, it is like Three Pines is a real place and the characters could be their friends.  While I am reading one of the mystery novels I can almost picture myself sitting in the bistro near the fireplace eating one the delicious meals being described. Actually wishing I could go in and order the meal myself it sounds so mouthwatering.

This time is no exception, the plot for the mystery is compelling.  You do not want to put down the book because you are trying to follow along carefully and help Gamache find the murderer.  Then there are the misdirects that both you and the Suerte police are fooled by.  The shifty  character that you are sure is the real killer and then at the last minute Gamache realizes he went in the wrong direction and now they are almost too late.  

Penny has kept the Three Pines a favorite place for so many readers for eighteen books now.  All the members of the village are waiting for us to return in her next novel.  We are ready and looking forward to visiting again even though we just came home...

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