Wednesday, January 8, 2020

An Old Man's Game : An Amos Parisman Mystery

Andy Weinberger has created the mystery detective of a retired aging Jewish P.I. in Los Angeles. 
He seems like a cute little older man who is coming out of retirement to find some excitement in his otherwise boring, depressing life.  He is living with his wife, who is suffering from the beginnings of dementia .  He has a caretaker who is coming in during the day to help his wife, so he is looking for something to keep him busy. 

When the Rabbi of the local synagogue falls over dead in his matzah ball soup at Canter's famous deli in Los Angeles, the synagogue president calls Parisman in to help get tot he bottom of the situation.

Parisman calls on his assistant, who is a former small time criminal,  to cover his back.  He stirs up some trouble to try and shake out the killer.  Many times during the book, you are not really even sure if there was a crime, it could have just been the Rabbi died of natural causes.
But of course there will be other deaths before we get to the final conclusion and find out the whole
scenario that pulls it all together and lays out the plot that leads to murder.

The Rabbi is controversial, but the ideas that he is chanting about are not believable.  It is a fun mystery to read, especially if you know Los Angeles and are Jewish.  So many fun connections to relate to.

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