Sunday, June 16, 2024

In That Sleep of Death


Author Jonathan Dunsky takes the reader back in history to the early days of Israel’s statehood.   With each book in this mystery series Dunsky becomes more impressive as an author, with the plots getting more sophisticated and his detective ‘s character developing more depth and personality.

Once again we meet Adam Lapid, In That Sleep of Death, book eight in the series.  This time he is walking the streets of Tel Aviv late at night unable to sleep, when he spots another man who reminds him of himself.  An unhappy soul going through the motions in the aftermath of World War II.  When the mysterious man is found murdered Lapid feels a connection to the man and takes a special interest in the case.  

The trail of the killer leads all the way back to pre-war Poland.  The plot presents the historical story of how people looking to escape Poland tried to find a way to travel to Israel.  They came with hope for a better future. As Lapid gets closer to the truth his life may be in danger.  He must work quickly before anyone else, including himself dies.

This series is interesting for its historical content and for its quick moving, twisty, suspenseful plots.  The story is well written and the reader will become attached to the characters in Adam Lapid’s life who recur in every book.  Jonathan Dunsky does extensive research and uses many out of the ordinary, unusual details in his novels.   He draws upon fascinating real events and experiences that took place in the early days of life in Israel including them in these captivating page turners.

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