Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Last Murder at the End of the World

 The Last Murder at the End of the World, was on and off my to read list before I settled in and followed through.  Boy am I glad I did!  It started out slowly and definitely has that sci fi feel that is not my favorite genre, but I kept at it and it turns out to be a great novel with mystery, intrigue, and social commentary.

The plot follows a small group of people who inhabit an island off the coast of Greece after we humans have destroyed the planet.  These are the last survivors who have managed to keep back the dark fog that enveloped the earth and killed all living life forms.  Now there are three scientists and one and twenty villagers living a life of harmony and peace.  New children are brought to parents and everyone dies at age sixty celebrating their lives the night before they die.  There is a nightly curfew and everyone goes to sleep at the same time. During the day people farm, fish and celebrate.  The young people go to school and become apprentices. 

It is a utopia until one of the scientists is killed and now everyone is trying to figure out who among them could be the killer.  The security system surrounding the island has been triggered and now the fog around the island is starting to close in.  The world could be coming to the end if the killer is not identified and killed within the allotted time.

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