Saturday, November 10, 2018

When Life Gives You Luluemons

Sitting on the couch with a cold, my tissues and hot tea at the ready is the perfect time to indulge in a chick lit book.  Lauren Weisberger is the perfect writer to read when looking for a well written and very entertaining plot.  Already known for her novel, The Devil Wears Prada, she has once again been able to use a clothing label to conjure the image of the Gen X housewife.  Realizing that I have just left the "stay at home mother vs working woman" stage of life it is still fun to read.  I still feel I can relate to the angst and worries of wanting to stay home and not feeling productive and independent.  This is was a fun novel that dealt with that issue, with a bit of an exaggeration,  with three women.

All three women are in their thirties, approaching life from different prospectives.  Emily Charlton, married, working as a Hollywood image consultant, is a hard brash woman, who says she does not want children and works hard to maintain her figure and her social connections.  Her childhood friend, Miriam is now a stay at home mom, living in Greenwich, Ct.  Greenwich is a wealthy suburb of New York City, where all the young moms are wearing Luluemon leggings and looking beautiful in their workout clothes.  They are living a fast, over the top lifestyle with sex toy parties and discussions of plastic surgeries over lunch at the juice bar.   Then, there is Karolina Hartwell, beautiful Victoria Secret model, now married to an ambiguous senator who has aspirations of the presidency.  Karolina thinking she cannot have children of her own is step mom to Hartwell's son.

The three women each run into personal trouble and are trying to find their way through the hard dilemmas they are facing. They come together as a team helping each other through their problems.  Miriam, loves staying home with her three children, wearing sweatpants with elastic waists, but maybe not completely.  She is thrilled when her old friend Emily appears on her doorstep needing a shoulder to cry on as she experiences a crisis of faith that she is still viable in the workplace. Emily  feels she is being replaced by younger women.  The two band together when their mutual friend Karolina is possibly set up by her husband with a DUI and deserted by her "friends" in WDC.  Looking for retribution,  the women work side by side, discovering something new about each other and themselves as they work to clear Karolina's name.

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