Thursday, August 22, 2024

Assassins Anonymous

 What happens when you have signed up for a life of crime and now you have a twinge of conscience?  

Assassins Anonymous is an entertaining new novel by mystery author , Robert Hart. The story of where assassins go when they have decided that killing for a living is not how they want to live anymore.  

Mark has been working for a secret agency under the nickname Pale Horse for years.  But now he decides he wants to change his life so he finds a self help, 12 step program because it may be that he is addicted to the adrenaline rush he gets from killing another human being.  Though he has justified the lives lost as other lives that have been saved by his actions.

As he goes through the program getting closer to his goal of staying clean for a year, an unknown assassin steps in and tries to kill him.  Can he make it to the year mark without incident or will this attack and his search for the perpetrator ruin his record and bring him back to th feelings he actually used to enjoy?

It is a little like smoking and drinking, the memory of the feeling and the taste are hard to forget. Hard for your body to resist and if you sli, just one reminder could send you on a spiral backwards.

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