Saturday, August 17, 2024

Veridian Sterling Fakes It

 Jennifer Gooch Hummer brings us the entertaining novel, Veridian Sterling Fakes It.

A fun colorful painting of how the art world works seen through the eyes of recent RISD student Veridian Sterling.  Living with her single mother in Hoboken NJ she is pounding the pavement in NYC after graduating with honors from RISD.  Trying to get a gallery show she goes from art gallery to gallery with her portfolio.  Finally hired by a former graduate who runs a gallery, she gets caught up in a series of high jinks that having her flirting with the underground world of art theft and art heists and reproductions of the masters.

Also discusses the world of cryptocurrency and UTFs.  It was very entertaining but did not seem realistic, really a bit farfetched.  A few twists and turns but not really in-depth.  Kept my attention for a beach read.

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